Companies both small and large require a vision and mission statement to help them have something to work towards. As discussed in the reading about IDEO’s purpose wheel, a sense of purpose is a human need as mentioned by Maslow in his ‘Theory of Human Motivation’. It is important for organisations to have this definition to instil motivation among their employees and also a faith in them by their customers. The main focus of hiring designers to help a business figure out their long term vision is that they have to figure out their priorities other than making monetary profits. Who does the company want to inspire? What changes do they hope to bring in their industry? These are the kind of questions they hope to answer with the help of design thinking.
I have tried to apply this Purpose Wheel Framework to a company that I have analysed and have come up with the below:
Forever 21
Desired Impact — Provide Customers with latest fashion trends
How they achieve it — Creating an intriguing store environment
I believe Forever 21 is able to live up to their vision as speaking from personal experience, whenever I do enter the store I am surrounded with new and trending posters, decoration and patterns on clothes. Whenever an artist has released a new music album, Forever 21 ensures to have t-shirts and hoodies with a still from the same. The same applies to trending TV shows. They make sure they are up-to-date. Forever 21’s mission statement highlights the company’s focus on providing affordable and trendy fashion products to customers around the world. The statement emphasises the importance of creating fun and fashionable collections, which aligns with the company’s brand identity as a youthful and trendy fashion retailer.
However, there has been some criticism of Forever 21’s business practices, particularly in relation to its fast fashion model. Critics argue that the company’s rapid production cycle and low prices contribute to a culture of disposable fashion, which can be harmful to both the environment and the workers who produce the clothing.
I also found Tesla’s Master Plan Reading interesting as it brings to light that the company has a bigger picture in mind when they are making big moves. I feel like that is the crux of visioning, it is making way for bigger changes and goals through baby steps.